Application tracking systems (ATS) are nowadays being frequently used by companies and recru...
Are Application Tracking Systems Helping Or Hindering Successful Recruitment?
How To Conduct A Successful IT Risk Assessment
Today, cyberattacks are attempted every 40 seconds, and the number of ransomware attacks is ...
Personal Brand: Why Is It Important And How Do You Build It?
A personal brand has been a buzzword for some time now. So does that make it an actual ‘thin...
Recuiter Awards 2022 Winner!
Franklin Fitch is announced as the winner of the Best Recruitment Company to Work For (£5m t...
Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health
“Mental health” refers to your overall psychological well-being. It includes the way you fee...
The Importance Of Diversity In Tech
Diversity is critical for businesses that are looking to remain relevant to their customers ...
Safeguarding The Digital Realm: 5 Most Common Cybersecurity Threats And Comprehensive Defence Strategies
Organizations and professionals in the field of tech and IT infrastructure are continually d...
Job Rejection: How To Bounce Back And Keep Moving Forward
Job rejection can be a disheartening experience that challenges your self-esteem and confide...